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Systematic approach to questioning witnesses, providing detailed techniques and tactics for eliciting the response you want from virtually any witness.
Extensive resource on federal jury practice and instructions, answering common questions, and providing citations, practice tips, and forms. Book (Full Set) $324.00 |
Examines winning trial transcripts and theories behind them, including voir dire, opening statements, direct-examination, cross-examination, and closing statements.
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Two of today's most noted legal writers systematically present every important idea about judicial persuasion in a fresh, entertaining way. Book $29.95 |
This reference book provides practical guidance for making or opposing motions for summary judgment and similar termination motions in federal court.
This reference guide provides a systematic approach to evidence designed to help attorneys develop automatic trial reflexes and improve courtroom skills. Book $566.00 |
Authoritative source on civil and criminal evidence.
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This guide helps you calculate the value of economic loss in a personal injury or death case. Book (Full Set) $2,017.00 |
This product, published 6 times per year, delivers in-depth case analysis and commentary on class action lawsuits. |
Informed practice guide to the governing law and tactics involved in multistate litigation.
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