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Legal Solutions by Thomson Reuters offers authoritative law books, references, and current legal dictionary editions, backed by the legacy of West Publishing. Law books and other references can be viewed by jurisdiction, practice area, book format, or subject matter. Fuel your success with law books from Legal Solutions by Thomson Reuters.

New Product This work contains the complete state criminal and motor vehicle statutes and rules.


New edition

This title provides a convenient general reference for hedge fund managers throughout the life of a hedge fund.

Book   $413.00
ProView eBook   $413.00

New edition

Colorado Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.

Book   $416.00
ProView eBook   $416.00

New Product A summary of traditional principles and contemporary labor law developments.


New edition

This title provides a convenient general reference for hedge fund managers throughout the life of a hedge fund.


This newsletter is national in scope to provide landlords and tenants with important information regarding current laws and regulations.


Offers guidance on establishing and maintaining effective workplace policies and practices.

Book (Full Set)

Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.


New edition A summary of traditional principles and contemporary labor law developments.

Book (Full Set)   $1,698.00
ProView eBook   $1,698.00

This product is a guide to the practice of elder law, covering probate, ethics, taxes, and other areas of law.
