Daani-Ruth Svonkin
San Bernardino Police Department
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On December 2, 2015, Daani Svonkin, an analyst with the San Bernardino Police Department, received what is known as a triple tone - an alert that there is an active shooter in the city. A mass shooting had occurred at a government building during a holiday celebration and the shooters were at large.
Daani immediately notified Sgt. Gary Schuelke, whose team was on assignment. They returned to the city to await further instructions.
A witness provided information about an individual who was at the function, acting nervous and agitated. Daani and another analyst began working together, using Thomson Reuters CLEAR to collect and filter data. The team received information regarding a black SUV seen leaving the area of the shooting, and cross-checked that with a description of a similar SUV that had come in to the dispatch center. They determined it was a rental car, and the name on the rental agreement matched the name of the individual who had been seen leaving the event after the shooting.
Daani Svonkin, Analyst for the San Bernardino Police Department
Using CLEAR®, Daani identified the correct address in nearby Redlands, California. No other database was able to provide that crucial piece of information. Everything from his driver's license, employment application, rental car agreement came back to an address in Riverside. If the officers had been given the wrong address, time would have been wasted and the suspects may have escaped capture.
Within minutes of locating the Redlands address, Sgt. Schuelke and his officers surrounded and subdued the suspects.
The threat to the community ended quickly due to the outstanding actions of a group of true Everyday Heroes.