Can We Help?
This title contains the Federal Acquisition Regulation Parts 1 to 53.
This publication provides new government contracting developments, frequent articles by practitioners, and analysis of key decisions from courts, boards of contract appeals, and the GAO. |
This periodical, authored by government contracting experts, is devoted to critical, current, and controversial federal procurement issues. |
This Aspatore title provides best practices for negotiating contract terms and settling disputes between government agencies, contractors, and commercial companies. Book $110.00 |
In this Aspatore government relations title, procurement experts discuss strategic thinking behind drafting and negotiating government contracts with vendors. Book $70.00 |
Explains provisions and procedures of each Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), plus interpretive decisions of the courts and boards.
Book (Full Set)
This Aspatore product provides key strategies for communicating with government agencies in government contracting. Book $80.00 |
This WestlawNext™ subscription contains the resources that you will use daily in your government contracts practice, and that will make performing tasks easy and efficient. |
This Aspatore title provides a perspective on working with clients in the context of government contract procurement, performance, and litigation. Book $110.00 |
This WestlawNext™ subscription contains the resources that you will use daily in your government contracts practice, and that will make performing tasks easy and efficient. |